...Living Dangerous...
~~The Body ~~ Hands: Slink Hands - Dynamic - Female Lashes: MICHAN - Azusa Weekend Lashes (Thursday) @Fashion Bloc Eyes: ::MD:: Rayne...
... Gilded ...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: Essences - Litzi @Tropical Summer Eyes: ::MD:: Jessica Catwa Eye Appliers ~~~The Makeup~~~ Tattoos: RedFish - Dragon...
... Long Walk home ...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: ::Modish:: Vega @PowderPack May Head: CATWA - Catya ~~~The Makeup~~~ Tattoos: GUHIT - Metanoia Make-Up: Lovely...
... XXX ...
~~The Body ~~ Antennae: .:Soul:. Peenie Antennae (Group Discount for V.I.P 99L Anennae and 'Uni' versions included!) ~~~The Makeup~~~...
... Little Fae ...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: Essences - Powder Pack May 2017 Dawn (Catwa) Head: CATWA - Catya Antennae: .:Soul:. Moth Antennae (Bento) @ On Sale...
...Forgotten Doll...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: .:Soul:. Gen2 F - Fala - [SE Dorei] @The Secret Affair Head: CATWA - Catya ~~~The Makeup~~~ Tattoo 1: Lumae :: Omega...
....Tied for Teasing...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: Essences - Evana @Skin Fair Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 2.6 ~~~The Makeup~~~ Polish: (AMD) Glitter & Glazed Nails...
...So Many...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: *New* Lumae : Catwa - Ruby - T1 Milk / Bare @The Avenue ~~~The Makeup~~~ Tattoos: [White~Widow] Altar - Black ~~~~The...
...In Love With Destruction...
~~~The Makeup~~~ Polish: DP - Koffin Nails -Nevermore @Genre Tattoos: RedFish - DarKtail tattoo @Sucide Dollz ~~~~The Outfit~~~~ Hair:...
...Spring Kisses...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: #P01 Essences - Lisa @Shiny Shabby ~~~The Makeup~~~ Polish: +Sixth+ Skura Chiru Nail Bento 2017 @Sakura Matsuri!...