...Shades of Violet...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Catwa - Porcelain - Miyu @hentai fair Ears: ^^Swallow^^ Shiny Ear @Shiny Shabby Lashes: VCO ~ Bambi...
...Petaled Kisses...
~~~~The Makeup~~~~ Polish: DP - Koffin Nails Jeweled Ombre Solids @Mesh Body Addicts Tattoo: -[TWC]- Words Gacha Rare @ Epiphany...
...Shoppers Dream...
~~~The Body ~~~ Skin: BT: Albina"CATWA" ~~~~The Makeup~~~~ Polish:*NEW* DP - Koffin Nails - December Delights ~~~~The Outfit~~~~ Hair:...
Obsessed.. with Him...
Pose 1: Opulence Poses - Obsession Pose 2: Opulence Poses - Possession Pose 3: Strike It - What You like Pose 4: :::CuCa::: Heat Pose...
Waiting.....for Him.
~~~The Body ~~~ Skin: Essences - Tony (Gacha @ K9) ~~~~The Makeup~~~~ Polish: DP - Koffin Nails -Shades of Red v2 @Mesh Body Addicts...
... A taste for Murder ...
~~~~The Makeup~~~~ Bat Bandaids:*NEW* -[TWC]- Not Really Healing Gacha (13 Rare) @ SaNaRae Polish:*NEW* DP - Koffin Nails - Lushious Lips...
... Caught in a Web ...
To my Sponsors, thank you for all of your continued support! ~~~The Body ~~~ Skin: *NEW* Essences - Hope @Freakshow Carnivale Eyes:...
.★. Crimson Petal .★.
~~~~The Makeup~~~~ Eyeliner: .Bossie. bold eyeliner set [classic] Eye Shadow: .ARISE. Smokey Eyes Polish: *NEW* DP - Koffin Nails -...
... Troublemaker ...
Beusy: Caramel Mesh Hair Beusy: Trouble Mesh Hair @ Hairology Beusy: Chaos Mesh Hair @ Hairology Beusy // Pandora Mesh Hair & Ski Mask @...