...Forgotten Doll...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: .:Soul:. Gen2 F - Fala - [SE Dorei] @The Secret Affair Head: CATWA - Catya ~~~The Makeup~~~ Tattoo 1: Lumae :: Omega...
... Broken Spell ...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: .:Soul:. Gen2 F - Gyouko - [SE Ochre] @We <3 RP Head: CATWA HEAD Catya Eyes: {S0NG} :: Venus~ Rebel Eye Ears:...
...Dark Salsa...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: *NEW*alterego. rosie skin - lumi (Coming SOON) Head: Catwa - Catya 1.08 Animated w/o Teeth Teeth: Catwa - Fangs V4...
~~The Body ~~ Eyes: .:Soul:. Space Cat Eyes - Tropical (CasperVend Easter Egg Hunt Item) Ears: *Tentacio* My kawaii ears @Cutie Loot...
...Fairy Lights...
~~The Body ~~ Eyes: Evermore. Nyanko Eyes (Blue/Violet) @April Cutie Loot Ears: *Tentacio* My kawaii ears @April Cutie Loot ~~~~The...
...Relaxed by the Seasons...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: Essences - Lark [Catya/Omega] @Kustom9 Eyes: Nightmare :: Underworld Eyes (catwa appliers) @Genre ~~~The Makeup~~~...
...Twisted on the Inside...
~~The Body ~~ Shape: .: The One :. Olivia Maitreya Catya Shape @Square1 Skin: Lara Hurley-Yui Milky @WE <3 RP Head: CATWA HEAD Catya...
....Tied for Teasing...
~~The Body ~~ Skin: Essences - Evana @Skin Fair Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 2.6 ~~~The Makeup~~~ Polish: (AMD) Glitter & Glazed Nails...
...Spank Hard...
~~~The Makeup~~~ Polish: DP - Koffin Nails - Black Star @Black Fair Tattoo 1: RedFish - Ouija tattoo @Bodyfy Tattoo 2: RedFish - Spank...
...In Touch with Spring...
~~~~The Outfit~~~~ Hair: :::Phoenix::: Annie Hair @Kinky Event Wreath: *LODE* -Wild Sakura Wreath @Chapter 4 Choker: AsteroidBox. Tri...