
~~~ The Body ~~~
Body / Feet : Maitreya Lara V3.5 @ Maitreya
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Casual @ Slink
Shape: Custom Made
Skin: Essences {Loulou} Pale01 @ Essences
Tattoo:[White~Widow] Assassin - Black @ Past We <3 RP
Eyes: *NEW* D&M BS - Fire in the Sky Mesh Eyes @ Pick Your Poison
Lashes: [LF] 7 Sins Eyelashes Pride @ Past Gen Neutral
Ears:[Mandala] Pierced Elf Ears V1 @ Mandala
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair: [RA] Jill Hair - Reds @[RunAway]
Eyeliner: .ARISE. Black Liner Set @ .ARISE.
Lipstick: Veechi - Sheer Shine Gloss [Naturals] @Veechi
Collar:(r)M, AD(o.01) // Posture Collar @ (red)Mint
Cuffs/Armbands :*Muka* Armbands/Cuff Love @ *Muka*
Wings: Blueberry -Oakley Wings- White Rare @ Epiphany
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
So this post was all about the fire in her eyes, and the lost innocence of a fallen angel.. but I loved the white! It was too pretty to pass up. Hopefully I didn't lose sight of what was going for! New item out from Dark of the Moon, gorgeous mesh eyes that you can get at the Pick your Poison event! Happy Shopping!