...Dancing in Darkness...

~~~The Body ~~~
-All Makeups, Brows, Lashes, Tattoo's etc used in today's blog are appliers for their various parts!-
Body : Maitreya V3.5 @ Maitreya
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Delux Pack V1.2 @ Slink
Hands: Slink AvEnHance Elegant 1 @ Slink
Shape: Custom made for Catwa Aisha
Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Lucy Skin Porcelain tone @ Enfer Sombre
Eyes: *NEW* U.S Escaping People @ [Unborn Soul] (THANK YOU!!)
Lashes:[KoKoLoReS]BP- Mascara lashes@ KoKoLores
Ears: [Mandala] Pierced Elf ears V.1 @ Mandala
Hairbase:Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - set 05 @ JM
Brows: Bossie. alice eyebrows [catwa] @ Bossie.
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair: *Besom~ Fake Friends *Rare* / Burn Down Gothics @ Epiphany
Cuffs:[CX] Stray's Cuffs (Black) @ Epiphany
Collar: [CX] Mutt's Collar (Black) @Epiphany
Panties: *Just Because* Terri Panties - Black @ Just Because
Rings: [CX] Hayop (Black) @ [CX]
Dress: .:D2:. Mistik Dress Black @ .:D2:.
Harness: {CP} Crystal Dress Upper Belt @ {CP}
Stockings: - NO longer Available :(
Shoes:AZOURY - Circus Ballet Shoes [Black] @ SaNaRae
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
Dark Ballet, Gothic Dances, and those wicked little escaping souls from Unborn Soul! Serious vicious idea I just love them! I've been wearing them since they were gifted to me! Check them out For real! Also, my little squirt released a seriously amazing tattoo, the Bonamy, it's beautiful, and goes all the way up the back of your head, gorgeous! Happy Shopping!