...Summer Player...

~~~The Body ~~~
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair:.Olive. the Marmie Hair - RARE @ Epiphany
Bracelets:Izzie's - Eternity Bracelet @ Izzie's
Choker:Kibitz - Stretch choker - black @ Kibitz
Necklace:.tsg. Gamer Girl Necklace - *exclusive VIP* @ tsg
Piercings:MONS- Septum Ring (style29) @MONS
Rings:Candy Crunchers - Kora Wraps @ Past Suicide Dolls
Shirt:.*NEW*Sushi. DeepV Pullover- Black - Rare @ Gacha Gardens (Thank you! <3)
Sandals:-DRD- Bohemian heels @ DRD
Capri's:paper.arrow pedal.pushers black @ paper.arrow
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
This outfit was so much fun! It seriously had me thinking about walking down the board walk at Venice beach Florida. I seriously miss that place.... Anyway! Check out these new events, Gacha Gardens, Suicide Dolls (new one just opened) and be sure to snag those great items! Thank you Tana Dax for your patronage!! I am honored to blog for Sushi!!