... Strapped Lotus ...

~~~The Body ~~~
Body : Maitreya Lara v3.5 @ Maitreya
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Deluxe Pack @ Slink
Hands: Slink AvEnhance Casual @ Slink
Shape: Custom Shape
Skin: Birdy Sienna Goth @ Birdy
Eyes: {CP} Cat Eyes Purple/Blue @ {CP}
Lashes:[LF] 7 Sins Eyelashes Pride @ [LF]
Brows: {CP} Brows @ {CP}
Ears:Mandala Pierced Elf Ears @ Mandala
Mouth: [[CR]] Nyam Nyam @ [[CR]]
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
Eyeliner:.Birdy. VIP {Eyeliner} Pack of 10 <3
Lipstick: NOX - Giftmas -No longer Available
Tattoo: *NEW* {CP} Lotus Tattoo @ Dark Style Fair
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair: Blue Olive Bangs #1 @ Past Arcade
Bracelets:6. :BAMSE: Belonging Bracelets @ Bamse
Harness:[CX] Lascivious Harness (Black) @ Dark Style Fair
Thong:erratic / delice /blk SET @ erratic
Hood:C L A Vv. Leather Shawl Black @ CLAVv
Armbands:*MUKA* Arm Strap @ The Dark Style Fair
Legbands:*MUKA* Leg Strap @ *MUKA*
Rings:Kibitz - Maya ring set - onyx @ Kibitz
NoseRing:[Zoom] Osis Pack [Silver/Black] @ [Zoom]
Heels:#EMPIRE - Anemone@ #Empire
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
This style was inspired, very much, by my Second Life daughter Thana Vilkas-Lothbrok, the creative genius behind Chemical Princess, (and some of my favorite items!) she and I were having a blast at a recent DJ set of hers and she told me about this fantastic leather hood! From there it spawned a whole outfit- most of which was purchased at The Dark Style Fair, which is a fantastic event! If you have not been, you should definitely go, especially if you’re tastes are more towards the dark and twisted to Gothic styles. So much black clothing to be found it does my twisted little heart good! There are so many talented creators there, not just my daughter. Back to this hood…as you know this entire blog is based on Little Red Riding Hood, so far be it from me to turn down a hood that is not only sexy, but deliciously detailed and I will tell you ladies a secret… It is completely meant for the menfolk! :x That’s right! It’s from a men’s clothing store! Should I feel guilty about stealing something from then when the grid is already covered in products only aimed at women? Probably, am I? Nope! >.> However you should most certainly take your favorite man over to CLAVv and check out their other products because that store is A-MAZING! Seriously, I am taking my husband over first thing in the morning! Speaking of... Coming soon to Under Little Red’s Hood, Men’s Clothing and Skins!!! Keep an eye out ;) Happy Shopping Ladies and Gents! <3