... Savage Evening ...

~~~The Body ~~~
Head: Lelutka Mesh Head - Aria @ Lelutka
Body : Maitreya Lara v3.5 @ Maitreya
Feet: Slink AvEnhance Deluxe pack @ Slink
Hands:Slink AvEnhance Elegant @ Slink
Shape: -Custom Made-
Skin: *NEW* Essences [Coco] @ Kustom 09
Eyes: {S0NG} :: Aki // Purple Eye @ {SoNG}
Ears: Mandala Pierced Elf ears v1 @ Mandala
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair: .Olive. the Lullabies Hair - Dark Fades @ Arcade
Mask: Le Morte - Kanji Mask - White @ Kawaii Prject
Bracelets: *MUKA* Arm Strap @ *MUKA*
Collar: {CP} Moonlight Collar @ {Chemical Princess}
Jacket: Blueberry - Asia - Black @ Blueberry
Dress: D&M Excepcional Expose Gown @ D&M Fashion
Heels: REIGN.- MILA Heels- @ Reign
Leg Bands: *MUKA* Leg Strap @ *MUKA*
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
I had so much fun putting this together! I was watching Fruits basket, its inspired by the main characters Mother. She was kind, beautiful and not at all elegant, but she was at one time the leader of a gang, who fell in love, turned her life around and then had a family. She was loved by everyone she met, and touched the lives of many of the characters. I just -had- to go out and get the Le Morte Kanji Mask at the Kawaii Project. It really tied the outfit together, kinda giving it a bit of yakuza flair... >.>' Yeaaah.. my Weeaboo is sho2ing. Mah bad ;). The dress is meant to represent her softer side adding a bit of elegance to the rough exterior. The Essences skin really helped round this out, and having a super cute mesh head with a little button nose made my day! I hope you guys enjoy this outfit as much as I did putting it together! Happy Shopping!