... Summer Shimmer ...

~~~The Body ~~~
Head: LeLutka Mesh Head-ARIA @ Lelutka
Body : Slink Physique Hourglass @ Slink
Feet: Slink Deluxe Pack @ Slink
Hands: Slink AvEnhance @ Slink
Skin: *NEW* Essences Vera @ Shiny Shabby (thank you! <3)
Eyes: [Buzz] Voodoo Eyes - Midnight @ [Buzz]
Lashes:[LF] 7 Sins Eyelashes Pride @ [LF]
Ears: Mandala pierced elf ears @ Mandala
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
Polish: *NEW* DP - Koffin Nails - FatPack - Rock To The Edge @ Rock Attitude Fair (thank you! )
Lipstick:alaskametro<3 "Cole" lipstick @ alaskametro
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair:Exile::Go: 14. Red @ The Arcade
Bracelets: #16 MC.Bracelet.Moon @ The Arcade
Necklace:#12 MC.Necklace.Moon @ The Arcade
Earrings: .random.Matter. - Nodin Feather Earings @ The Chapter Four
Bikini:#8 MC.Bikini.Moon @ The Arcade
Boots:#EMPIRE - Columbine @ #EMPIRE
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummer tiiiiiime! Time to lie by the pool and read and hide under the shade unbrella and not get a tan! >.> So BIG NEWS!! I have a new Sponsor! I can hardly believe it! Dark Passions, Koffen Nails has chosen me for it's round four blogger team! I am sooooo Excited! So one of the exclusive items you see up there, those totally kick ass nails is from Koffin Nails!! You can get them at Rock Attitude Fair!! They also have two other sets of amazing nail colors that you can get at the Vintage Fair!! Also, that delicious skin I'm sporting? You guessed it. It's from Essences! Mistah El has done it again! this is Essences Vera and you can only get it at Shiny Shabby! So get there soon!!
Of course there's a ton of stuff from The Arcade, so be sure to check that out as well, (if you happen to like gacha!) Happy shopping ;)