... Strapped in for Daddy...

Hair 1

Hair 2

~~~The Body ~~~
Body/Feet/Hands: Maitreya Lara v3.5 @ Maitreya Shape: Custom Made Skin: Essences {Ariel: Pale01} @ Essences Eyes:[Buzz] Voodoo Eyes - Midnight @ [Buzz] Lashes:[LF] 7 Sins Eyelashes Pride @ [LF] Ears:Mandala Pierced Elf Ears v1 @ Mandala Mouth:.Loud Mouth. - Alli @ .Loud Mouth.
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
Eyeliner: .ARISE. Black Liner Set @ .ARISE. Body Tattoo:#23 MC.Tattoo.Black @ The Arcade Face Tattoo: *NEW* Chemical Princess {Flower Side Tattoo} @ Cosmetic Fair (Thank you) Lip Stick:NOX. Drama Lip Blood @ NOX
Nail Polish:*NEW * Red Apple Fingers & Toes Anastacia @ Red Apple (Thank you)
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair 1:Lamb. Prove It - Fatpack - LUXE BOX
Hair 2: Blues. Marta - Colors 2 @ Blues. Bracelets: *NEW* Chemical Princess {Cross Piercing} @ Cosmetic Fair Arm Straps: *MUKA* Arm Straps @ *MUKA* Shirt/Corset/Top:#EMPIRE - Amatrix Harness @ #EMPIRE
Boots: REIGN. -Estee Heels- LUXE BOX
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
Chemical Princess, Red Apple, Essences. Three of my favorite stores. Hot new events, and super sexy summer styles! I hope you're ready for this! I certainly had fun making this outfit... I dressed as if I were dressing for my Dominate, and look how it came out! Rawrs. Daddy approved! Mischief managed! Be sure to head on over to the Cosmetic Fair, Chemical Princess has several face tattoos available for you, this is just one of three, as well as a piercing, as seen above. Red Apple as a new nail set out, this is just one of the versions on the hud, SUPER cute and fun! I am, of course, sporting my favorite Essences skin from a past Enchantment Event, Ariel. A demure skin that is fit for a Disney Princess! Check out all the items either at their events or at the creators main stores!