... All that (s)Ass ...

~~~ Those Poses ~~~
** New Items ** Nicci CloseUp: teapi - portrait pose pack - 04 @ The Expo
Para CloseUp: teapi - portrait pose pack - 01 @ The Expo
Nicci Outfit Pose: teapi -Morning Glory Pack - 05 @ The Expo Para Outfit Pose: teapi - Morning Glory Pack - 06 @ The Expo
Thank You!!
~~~~My Outfit~~~~
Hair: Eaters Coma - HAIR 65 / MAUVE
Bracelets: :BAMSE: Belonging Bracelets - Beauty / Beast
Armbands: *MUKA* Arm Strap
Harness: [CX] Lascivious Harness (Black)
Rings: Kibitz - Rosie rings - onyx
Shirt: Chemical Princess {Jully Shirt}
Shoes: Chemical Princess {Santos Boots} /Cunt/
Skirt: Chemical Princess {Raven Skirt Cunt}
Legbands: *MUKA* Leg Strap
~~~~~Her Outfit~~~~~ Paramore's outfit can be found on her blog HERE!
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
We are some bad ass bitches y0, and we have all the sass. My inspiration for this outfit, is quite honestly my love for the word 'cunt.' It was used by a dear friend of my as a term of endearment for eons and a joke between us.... SO ALL OF THE CUNTY THINGS! Chemical Princess has released a lot of great things that rock that word, which rocks my world. Skirt, Shirt, shoes, lipstick (Not pictured) A tattoo, (not pictured) So be sure to go check out her store to see all the wonderful cunty things!