... Bound in Chains ...

~~ The Poses ~~
Sitting Pose: Poseidon -Free Running 18 -The Expo
Standing Pose: an lar -1-The Koray Series - The Expo
Thank you!!
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Collar:etham - Paris Collar *RARE*
Bindi: .DirtyStories. Tiny Moon
Chest Piercing: :Z.S: Witchy Chest Piercing V1
Crown/Cuffs:[CX] Scaled Deity
Sleeves:=Zenith=Wood Elf Ranger Leather Gloves (Black)-Maitreya
Claws:[CX] Hayop (Black)
Robes:The Annex - Rae Dress - Black
Bodysuit:erratic - Luxe Box: June 2016
Stockings:=Zenith=Belt leg warmer (10 Colors) -Maitreya - RARE
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
So! I love this outfit, I really Really REALLY do! The poses you featured in this blog are special! They can only be purchased at The Expo! A new event that is themed each month, but unlike other themed events it's a -product- theme. This month it's poses, so featured are poses from some of the greatest pose creators across the grid! Don't miss out! The outfit came to mind while I was flipping through the poses listening to my favorite anime play list.. The bound goddess.. I think this should be a new role play character! She deserves a story!
Happy Shopping!!