... Lost in You ...
Social Media Links:

Signature Poses - Hold On Me - The Expo

Altid - Come Go With Me @ The Expo

{Rose & Thorn} Poses Just Like Fire - The Expo

{.::SkyPose::.} 2love 1 AD - The Expo
~~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~~
So it is very apparent this is no regular blog post! First of all there is no outfit break down, however, you can find everything I am wearing in previous blog posts ;) The actual inspiration for this post is my Partner, Husband, Dominate, and Daddy Wolvern Barbosa <3 His excitement over the couple poses available at the event was... adorable :x The Expo had so very many couple poses and as a member of their blogging team we got to try them all.. and we tried them all... these are our favorites. Trust me when I tell you this list was EXTREMELY hard to narrow down. So please please take the time to go and have a look at what's available, the creators for this event did an AMAZING job! I know you'll be seeing more of these poses in the future as he and I plan several more blog posts together!