... Strutting His Stuff ...

~~~The Body ~~~
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
Lipstick: Plain Lip Stripes Found here
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair:*Drot* -Draco
Bracelets: [CX] Bound Wristband
Collar:*RONSEM* The Shadow Lord
Shirt: *NEW* AMD Elijah Tank (Slink) - Muted Red @ ULTRA (thank you!!)
Shorts:*NEW* AMD Elijah Shorts (Slink) - Black @ ULTRA (Thank You!! )
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
MUCH EXCITE! SO H APPY! >.> Say hello to the male version of my avatar! *waves pom poms* Kinda sexy? I'd do me.. would you do me? :P Aaaaanyway. So this all started way back when my bestie, my wifie was the saddest of pandas because she had no hot guys to blog with...so I made one, she hasn't blogged with him- YET. Maybe she will now? Who knows. It all works out as this is a temporary post while my blog partners get set up on this site.
AMD released a pretty kick ass outfit for the ULTRA event! Saggy comfy shorts, that I am pretty jealous there isn't a female version for.. >.> and that tank top would look AH-MAZING on my partner. We're totally going to pick him up a copy!
Happy Shopping fellas!