... The Rope that Binds ...

~~~The Body ~~~
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
Polish: DP - Koffin Nails - Dark Crazy Daisy
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair Bow:.DirtyStories. Cutie Hair Bow
Ropes:Pixicat- Thorn.Rope (Slink Hourglass) RARE @ epiphany
Pasties:.DirtyStories. Cutie Heart Pasties
Heels:.DirtyStories. Cutie Bow Pumps
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
Hello Lovelies! So! Mr.Lambert has released two new group gifts recently, one, for those lovely ladies who just wear mesh heads, Runa. It's for Lelutka, Catwa, AND Omega! It comes in Pale 02 and is EVO. The skin you see up there is Mana, it is for those lovely ladies who wear system skins, AND Lelukta heads, it is ALSO in pale 02!! So throw on, or join, the VIP group and hop over to snag those TWO amazing gifts! Then as you can see I have been hopping around the events! Epiphany -and- Romp! Love, Love, Love Romp. seriously one of my favorite events, Epiphany....is evil >.> Gacha is so cruel. Seriously but I'm addicted! So get out there and get shopping! Oh OH ! One last thing! Check out this poster ;) Happy Shopping ;)