... Just a Little...Naaaughty ...

First and Foremost Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all of my Sponsors for supporting my Blog! It means so much to me that you have such confidence in my abilities!
~~~The Body ~~~
Skin: *NEW* Essences - Tori Gacha (Catwa Diana) @ Kustom9
~~~~The Makeup~~~~
Tattoo: *NEW* ]PU\ Lilly tattoo @ Kinky Gone Kawaii
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Cerys
Bracelets:C h a r y . - Gaia Bangles (No longer Available)
Choker:*NEW* !TLB - Kawaii-O Choke @ Kinky Gone Kawaii
Ring:*NEW* !TLB - Kawaii-O Ring@ Kinky Gone Kawaii
Nipple Rings:*NEW* !TLB - Kawaii Nipple @ Kinky Gone Kawaii
Top:*NEW* {CP} Heler Shirt @ Any Body
Boots: #EMPIRE - Canna
Panties:*JB* Terri Panties - Black
Paddle:*NEW* AsteroidBox. Princess Paddle @ Kinky Gone Kawaii
Poses for Paddle:*NEW* AsteroidBox. Princess Paddle @ Kinky Gone Kawaii
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
You know me! I always enjoy setting up an outfit for these posts, but to purposely set up something kinky and fun, then to make it kinda Kawaii as well... :x Heaven! So this is probably less Kawaii than what most people let fall into that category, but it does have all the pink, but I tempered it with a lot of black! Balancing the scales with this particular post! ;)
So what's the big deal here? what's going on?! Well you can find MOST of this stuff at the KINKY GONE KAWAII event that has JUST 3 MORE DAYS LEFT! You have until the 15th to snag your goodies from there! So hop over now while you still can! Odds are you wont have to fight the crowds if you go now!
The skin I am wearing is BEAUTIFUL! Mr.Lambert outdid himself this time, it's simply BEAUTIFUL! You catwa mesh head fans will look STUNNING in this number! Seriously!
From Chemical Princess we have a sultry, sexy sheer top that leaves NOTHING to the imagination, not a thing, but it is perfect for accentuating your curves! rawr baby! It definitely shows off the nipple rings from !TLB just right! Love. It.
Happy Shopping Ladies ;)