... Secret Shame...

-Strike It- Lean on Me

Glamrus . No More

+ Mouni Poses + Shame Couple Pose

- Dark Magic Poses - Shush

Glamrus . Disgrace
This Post is all about the Poses, so the clothing will not be credited, however, please keep an eye out for future blog posts with these items in them ;)
~~~~The Expose Event: Shame Poses~~~~
Pose 1: -Strike it- Lean on Me
Pose 2: Glamrus . No More
Pose 3: +Mouni Poses+ Shame Couple Poses
Pose 3: - Dark Magic Poses - Shush
Pose 4: Glamrus . Disgrace
~~~~~ Inspiration ~~~~~
The Expose: Shame. This event has been SO much fun to take pictures for! Seriously, if you thought Seduction was good? You should see the poses for Shame.. er..well I guess you did see some of them ;)
Remember though, this is just a very small portion of what you can find at The Expose, so be sure to head over there before it's too late!
Once more the outfits are not important for this post! The poses are our focus, however we will be happy to answer any questions about what we are wearing! Also, there are some plans to for future posts! Just keep an eye out!
Happy Shopping!