...Sunday Shopper...
~~~The Makeup~~~
Polish: *new* DP - Koffin Nails -Moon Magic @Totally Topshelf
Eyeliner: Veechi - Matte Winged Eyeliner [Catwa] @N21
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair:*new* Beusy: Kami Hairstyle @Versus
Piercing:*new* ~LF~ Cross Lipring -Catya- @Suicide Dollz
Popsicle: *new*.TeaBunny. Alien Popsicle @I heart the cart
Purse:*new* .TeaBunny. Planet Purse @I heart the cart
Shirt: *new*Nightmare :: Zeal Sweater @Suicide Dollz
Shorts: Addams // Marisa Doble Lace Short
Boots:*new* :: D-Style - Stud Boots w.HUD :: @Suicide Dollz
~~~~~The Poses~~~~~
Pose 1: an lar [poses] The Ava Series
~~~~~~The Scene~~~~~~