...To Be Naughty...
~~The Body ~~
Skin: *NEW* Lumae : Ella Catwa - T1 Milk / Bare @Skin Fair 2017 Opens March 10th, Land Marks soon! <3 Check back!
Eyes: {S0NG} :: Venus~ Navy Eye / Purple Eye
~~~The Makeup~~~
Tattoo: *NEW* [PU] Death Tattoo @Suicide Dollz
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
~~~~~The Poses~~~~~
Pose 1: *NEW* IE - Danni Chair @Designer Showcase
Pose 2: *NEW* .:Joplino:. Pose Set Melissa @Suicide Dollz
~~~~~~The Scene~~~~~~
Prop 1: *NEW* IE - Danni Chair @Designer Showcase
Prop 2: *NEW* Oubliette- Crimson Eveline settea @Suicide Dollz
Prop 3: *NEW* Oubliette- Love Eternal 1 @Suicide Dollz
Prop 4: *NEW* Oubliette- Love Eternal 2 @Suicide Dollz
Prop 5: Second Spaces - forest lights - stumps and rounds
Prop 6: Birdy - Boudoir - Rug White (past gacha)
Prop 7: *NEW* Oubliette- Luna Velvet Pillow @Suicide Dollz
Prop 8: *NEW* Oubliette- Ouija Velvet Pillow @Suicide Dollz