...Opened Wide...

~~The Body ~~
Skin: more more. momo skin_RARE1 (catwa) @Spring Scandal
~~~The Makeup~~~
Tattoos: -[TWC]- Open for you (@Mainstore, Flash Sale! 50% off on everything on the first floor!!! )
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
~~~~~The Poses~~~~~
Pose 1: CLEMM - Cute Tryhard pack
Pose 2: (custom made by meh! :o )
~~~~~~The Scene~~~~~~
Prop 1: CMYK// 2. you're my destiny
Prop 2: :DH: Black Fireplace ~Candles~
Prop 3: Oubliette- Pentagram Round Rug
Prop 4: .TeaBunny. Hammie Cushions Rez @Luck of the Irish
Prop 5: Contrax. - Lightbulb Bug - Bronze/Gold @Loot Box
Prop 6: Contrax. - Steampunk Spider @Loot Box
Prop 7: .{PSYCHO:Byts}. Witchy Rabbit statics @Ostara's Alter
Prop 8: *~*HopScotch*~* Fireplace Set (New release @ Main Store!)