...Offering Mercy...
~~The Body ~~
~~~The Makeup~~~
Tattoos: Lumae :: Omega & System Tattoo / Dotty @We <3 RP
~~~~The Outfit~~~~
Hair: Beusy: Josie Hairstyle @Rewind
Piercing: ~LF~ Safety Pins -Catya- @Suicide Dollz
Collar: .:Soul:. Dwarven Collar @ROMP
Gag: Ama. : Bit gag @ROMP
Cuffs: *MUKA* Love Armbands, Cuffs, & Garters
Pasties: Ama. : Crystal Clamps @ROMP
Bottoms: *MUKA* Wicca Thong - Lara
Socks: {Ghoul} Smile Stocking - Black @Suicide Dollz
~~~~~The Poses~~~~~
Poses: Ama. and Nais : Bondage Bar @ROMP
~~~~~~The Scene~~~~~~
Prop 1: ::WetCat:: & .:LEMON:."Dawn" Backdrop
Prop 2: The Hive - Guilty Pleasures Hutch Black//Dirty
Prop 3: The Hive - Guilty Pleasures Sideboard Black//Dirty
Prop 4: Violetility - Sensation Play Bedside Table
Prop 5: The Horror!~ Candy Collection (Licorice)
Prop 6: Ama. and Nais : Bondage Bar @ROMP